An Open "Poem" To Google: The Pixel Poem
I'm neither an author, nor a poet, I am just a
spectator. Being a spectator, I happened to observe the stuff that happened this year. So, I decided to pen them down. It looks to me as if my high centigrade fever somehow bought my really bad "poetic" skills, which were settled down somewhere, up to the surface. The lines that follow our really bad, my highly unpolished poetic skills are to be blamed. But, after reading it, you will definitely be able to get what I am trying to say. I thought this might be an innovative way to get folks over from Google to pay heed to our thoughts as well. Since this is my first attempt at writing some rhyming stuff, I do hope you give it a read:
Pixel Pixel Pixel
Goggle wants you to XL
But, hey, Apple wants a pistol
To knock off it's iPhone's successor
Goggle wants you to XL
But, hey, Apple wants a pistol
To knock off it's iPhone's successor
But why Google why
Did you not listen to our cry
And thinned up those bezels to make us satisfy
And what about those front speakers
Which we need like heaters
When chilly winter greets us
Did you not listen to our cry
And thinned up those bezels to make us satisfy
And what about those front speakers
Which we need like heaters
When chilly winter greets us
Go Google go
Don't let this opportunity go
Blasting Notes
And lack of jacks
Puts you on a winning track
Don't let this opportunity go
Blasting Notes
And lack of jacks
Puts you on a winning track
Destiny has summoned this path for you
Your opponents have been knocked off
Or should I say they are on a temporary layoff
Your opponents have been knocked off
Or should I say they are on a temporary layoff
Step up to this occasion
To be in the king's position
And claim a share of the smartphone division
To be in the king's position
And claim a share of the smartphone division
In San Francisco's heart
A new revolution will start
I have already marked October 4 on the chart
While I will not be there to take part
I wish you hit success with your throw of the dart
A new revolution will start
I have already marked October 4 on the chart
While I will not be there to take part
I wish you hit success with your throw of the dart
To keep your competitors distant
You need to start making your phones shock and water resistant
BTW, I do hope to see native support for Google Assistant
When Nougat 7.1 becomes existent
You need to start making your phones shock and water resistant
BTW, I do hope to see native support for Google Assistant
When Nougat 7.1 becomes existent
Our faith in you has stumbled
As battery life in Nougat crumbled
And Ara tumbled
TBH, you appear bumbled
As battery life in Nougat crumbled
And Ara tumbled
TBH, you appear bumbled
Still, we wish best for you
Excel excel excel
Pixel Pixel Pixel
Pixel Pixel Pixel
An Open "Poem" To Google: The Pixel Poem
Reviewed by Krittin Kalra
9/25/2016 10:22:00 PM

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