Android Flashing FAQs Solved
Flashing can be a problem for the average smartphone user. Not everyone is used to flashing software, let alone installing apps from their phone. That's why we are making a guide to help your flashing needs.
Stock ROM + Rooted + TWRP = Normal flash (via Universal OTAs)
This method works best for users who just want to have root access and keep TWRP as their recovery while on the stock ROM. Android One user Joseph Godslave is known to collect OTA links by capturing them via logcat. He changes his oem.prop so that his device could be able to get the download links from Google's servers. He's also known to make stock ROM builds of the latest updates as well as flashable universal OTA zip files. (which are known to work for any Android One variant)
Using Stock ROM = Wipe system/data/cache/dalvik
When you're coming from the stock ROM, you'll need to wipe everything out to avoid bugs and apps force closing. While in TWRP, you'll have to go to the Wipe menu and wipe everything that is mentioned above to be able to flash a custom ROM without problems.
Using Custom ROM older version = Wipe system only
Here are a few steps to make flashing on your Android One easy as 1-2-3!
First is when you are flashing OTA updates. OTA or Over-the-air is a method where Android is able to update its system OS by sending updates via WiFi or data connection for the user to download and install on his phone. We can make this easier by sideloading the OTA via USB or flashing via recoveries!
For stock ROM users, here are the formulas:
This method works best if you have never rooted your phone and have not changed your recovery. Most Android users want a pure stock experience (enter the Nexus and Android One users) and most of them don't want to root because they don't want to ruin their warranties. This is the method they should use every time they want to update.
For Android One users though, we have different methods of updating other than the normal way everyone uses.
Stock ROM + Not rooted + TWRP = TWRP's OTA INSTALLER
Now this method will work for people who want to keep TWRP as their recovery but still be able to flash OTA updates. XDA Senior Member 1cefire was kind enough to develop the OTA Installer feature for Android One users to be able to flash OTAs even on TWRP.
Stock ROM + Rooted + TWRP = Normal flash (via Universal OTAs)
Stock ROM + Rooted + TWRP + mods = Flash original build.prop then flash through OTA Installer
Now this method would work for most power users that want to stay on the stock ROM. They are the users who flash sound mods, tweaks that modify the build.prop as well as Xposed Framework users. They can just restore the original build.prop of the previous update and then flash the new OTA via TWRP's OTA Installer and voila! They're updated to the latest build.
On to flashing custom ROMs. Now custom ROMs are technically developer built ROMs depending on what features they want to include. Well known custom ROMs like CyanogenMod, Paranoid Android, Resurrection Remix, Dirty Unicorns, among the rest are usually available for devices who have an open source code available.
In order to use custom ROMs, we have different flashing methods as well.
Using Stock ROM = Wipe system/data/cache/dalvik
Using Custom ROM older version = Wipe system only
If you're already using a custom ROM and want to upgrade to a newer version of the ROM, all you have to do is wipe the system partition so that you'll be able to retain your apps and data. (Wipe data when told to do so as bugs might still occur when changes to the ROM are major changes)
We hope we are able to help you with all of your flashing needs!
Android Flashing FAQs Solved
Reviewed by Unknown
9/11/2016 11:38:00 PM

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