Google Is Bidding Goodbye To Chrome App Launcher!

The app launcher that makes Google Chrome apps easy to open outside the browsers doesn’t seem to have proven helpful for the users. Google announced that since the majority of users doesn't show any interest in this facility of Chrome, Its time to retire this feature so that Chrome can be as useful as it was.
The removal process will be done in phases. Beginning in a few weeks, Chrome will no longer enable the launcher when users first install a Chrome app. Last Phase of removal would be in July 2016 which will totally vanish this launcher from the Chrome Browser.

Rajat Kapoor
Rajat Kapoor is a self confessed tech geek. Always up to date with what's going on in the tech world, he is currently pursuing MCA and prefers Android over iOS. You will see his articles here and we do hope that you find them useful and informational.
Google Is Bidding Goodbye To Chrome App Launcher! Google Is Bidding Goodbye To Chrome App Launcher! Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor on 3/27/2016 09:32:00 PM
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