Some Gmail Users Found Spam Mails Inside Sent Folder, Google Is Now To The Rescue

A normal day turned up to be a scary one when some Gmail users found spam emails inside their sent folders. The fact that spam emails were in the sent box tricked users into thinking that their accounts had been used to spread spam. With the normal human tendency, one will surely doubt that the account has been hacked or compromised. As a result, Google's forums got flooded with user complaints. Since there were numerous complaints about the same issue, it became clear that the issue was widespread. Several Gmail users started believing that multiple Google accounts had been hacked into. Fortunately, Google confirmed that no accounts were compromised and this issue was a clever modification of the email headers.

It was found that spammers had spoofed the email headers in a way that tricked Gmail into thinking that the spam email was sent out by the recipient themselves. Because of this, Gmail users saw spam emails in both their inbox as well as the sent box.

Google has assured that there is nothing to worry about and that no account has been compromised. The search giant has requested users that if they find any such mail in their sent box, they should report it as spam. Google is investigating the issue and will take necessary steps to prevent such happenings in the future. In a statement to Mashable, a Google representative said:

We are aware of a spam campaign impacting a small subset of Gmail users and have actively taken measures to protect against it. This attempt involved forged email headers that made it appear as if users were receiving emails from themselves, which also led to those messages erroneously appearing in the Sent folder. We have identified and are reclassifying all offending emails as spam, and have no reason to believe any accounts were compromised as part of this incident. If you happen to notice a suspicious email, we encourage you to report it as spam. More information on how to report spam can be found by visiting our Help Center.

If you were a victim of this spam, you need not be afraid. You need not take action (such as changing your password) and you can continue using your Gmail account just as you did before the incident.

If you are ever afraid that your Google account has been accessed without your knowledge, we would recommend enabling 2-factor authentication which will enhance the security of your account. After enabling 2-factor authentication, you will get an SMS on your phone each time there is an attempt to log into your account. The SMS will consist of a one-time password, upon entering which correctly your account can be accessed. So on enabling two-way authentication, you will have to enter both the password and OTP to log in.

Source: Google Help Forum, Mashable

Rajat Kapoor
Rajat Kapoor is a self confessed tech geek. Always up to date with what's going on in the tech world, he is currently pursuing MCA and prefers Android over iOS. You will see his articles here and we do hope that you find them useful and informational.
Some Gmail Users Found Spam Mails Inside Sent Folder, Google Is Now To The Rescue Some Gmail Users Found Spam Mails Inside Sent Folder, Google Is Now To The Rescue Reviewed by Rajat Kapoor on 4/24/2018 04:13:00 PM
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